Sunday, January 22, 2012


Surrendered Lives Romans 12:1-2 and 1 John 3:16 The prayer guide tells about people who had a heart for slaves in another country. They felt led to go and share the truth with the slaves. They found out that the slave owners would not allow them to preach the gospel to the slaves. So they devised a plan that they would sell themselves as slaves to live among them and share Christ. The Count wouldn’t allow it saying it was too high a price for them to pay. They insisted it was what God wanted them to do. After prayer they felt led and went only to find they were allowed to share without selling themselves. Isn’t this what we've learned all these years as Christians? This is what we've taught our kids. But do I live it? Really? I have a spoiled comfortable life. Yes I would like to believe I'd do anything for God. And yes I've crept out of my comfort zone before. But now in my aging life I'm settling more and more in my comfort zone. Lord, fill me again with your zest and excitement and urgency to share you with others! Again I pray for your wisdom, knowledge, and guidance along with support, encouragement, and motivation to do your will! I'm yours! Take me! Use me!

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