Friday, May 25, 2012

Why God?

This is a very common question. So common a lot of sermons have been preached on this subject. Many books have been written in this subject. I suspect many journals have been consumed by this subject. But my "why" question is different. My "why" question is why do we complain? Myself included. God is so faithful, so good, so merciful. He has proven Himself over and over again. Why do we not get it? Why do we not trust the ever knowing God? He knows us better than we do. He knows the future, we don't. He keeps His promises. He never lets us down. So again, why do we complain against God?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

We are the city on a Hill

This song has been playing over and over in my head for over the past two months.

We Are by  Kari Jobe 

Here is the chorus:

"We are the light of the world
We are the city on a hill
We are the light of the world
We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine
We are the light of the world
We are the city on a hill
We are the light of the world
We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine
Let the light shine, let the light shine"

Yesterday, when explaining our new home to a friend, I was telling her how we can literally see the entire Martinsville City from the side yard. I continued to explain how this will be so inpirational for my husband's art and my writing. She added, and a great place to pray for the city. YES! Of course! This is all part of God's plan! God's timing is perfect! JVR...God is laying out the ground work! Step by step! Martinsville, God Loves You So Much! World, God Loves you so much! John 3:16.

God's Word is Written for People Yet to be Created

Psalms 102 is one of my new favorite bible chapters. (Proverbs 31 is my very favorite life chapter.) Yesterday on Klove I heard a challenge and encouraging word about praying for our family and needs. Then today I read Psalms 102. This chapter talks about Gods holiness and eternal existence. I just love vs18 How God's word is written for all-including generations to come, that people yet to be created may praise God's name! People not even created yet! I just think that is the coolest thing. All will perish and grow old yet God will endure vs 26. God is the same and will have no end. Vs27. The children of God's servants will continue and their descendants will be established before God. Vs 28. This just hits home, and helps me to realize how important it is to continue praying for our families. I've prayed for our children's salvation and relationship with our heavenly Father ever since they were in my womb. I've also prayed for their future spouses the sameness as they will one day be my child as well by marriage. And now I find myself praying for their children, children's children, from generations to come for the same purpose. To know God personally! To see God in action, to have a growing living, active relationship with our lord and savior. This chapter encourages me to keep praying this prayer!

As far as the East is from the West

Have you ever thought about it? I sure haven't. A popular Christian song East to West by Casting Crowns. I love this song but never really understood what it meant. Until the artist explained the song. What a our God!

Psalm 103v12 "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us." If you continue east you will never go west. If you continue west you will never go east. But if you go north you will eventually go south. If you continue south you will eventually go north. Yes, now you get it? Isn't is a mind exploding concept? It's like trying to think about eternity. When you sit and ponder, think, mull over, understand, it gets overwhelming and more complicated by the second. Our God is so Awesome!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Taking Care of Your Children

Psalm 92, 93 again. This is what I started to write in the last blog, but... I'm thankful that God takes care of His children. I'm grateful for the encouragement, comfort, assurance God gives me using everything around me. Nature, people, music, fragrances, your Word! God takes care of my enemies for me, that's His job. I'm thankful. God knows whether or not they are really my enemies or lost people who don't understand and just need love and truth shared with them. They may be begging to know God, to be loved, to understand the truth. If I shun or judge them it would just push them further from God. My prayer is that everything I do, say, even think will give God glory and honor, being the light for God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

A favorite saying, one found in Mathew 7 1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Well...not everybody's favorite. Lol In my bible reading of Psalm 92 and 93 this verse came to mind. But not in the way you would think. It's so cool how Gods word comes alive. This reading spoke to my most inner soul. People, evil, truth, how God sees our hearts. How important it is for us, Gods children to really know Him! Really really know Him! Its such a deep subject but one that deserves our attention. We are told to love everybody, love our neighbors, love our enemies. How hard is that? We're suppose to be in the world but not of the world. How do we know if a person needs discipline, judgment, a kind word, love, understanding, encouragement...we don't. We are told to share the truth in love and let God handle the judgment. Do we as Gods children know how any times we've hurt people, our witness, Gods witness, the church, because we've taken judgements into our own hands? I cringe when I think of it. I see it on tv, hear it on the radio, read it on Facebook. When I think of my own judgmental thoughts, words, And actions I cringe to think how I've hurt others and how I would be judged by my own words. But yes, I surely don't know what's going on in a persons mind or heart. No wonder Christians are getting a bad wrap. Yes, we are going to be beaten down because of who we are because we scare satan. But we do a lot of the harm to ourselves and supposedly in Christ name. I want to be used of God to shine the light and truth towards God. Tall order, but with God All things are possible. I need to be reminded by Gods word that loving all and sharing the truth doesn't mean we're compromising our faith, it means we're obeying our Heavenly Father and letting Him do the dirty work! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this deep subject.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Faith and the three P's

Yes, that's what I said, no typo here! Faith and the three P's. Prayer,Patience and Perseverance!

We are finally, and once again, scheduled to close on our new house tomorrowafternoon. But...It's not over until it's over. (Almost quoted the old saying,"It's not over until the fat lady sings." But I'd sing right now ifthat were true! lol) I'm convinced there's a spiritual war going on about thiswhole moving thing. I'm not even slightly suggesting anything holy on our partwhatsoever! I'm merely stating a feeling and opinion that’s based on this wholemove being ordained by God! I feel such a peace and assurance that this move ispart of God's plan. His plan to move His ministry forward in the town He has strategicallyplaced us in. I've seen every small detail down to the fact that people in thistown know me by name to the huge detail of sending us here 25 years ago, andeverything in-between. I never said, insinuated, or suggested it would be easy! Nope, not at all. In fact I am so very humbled that God chooses to use me inHis huge plan. I'm not the typical missionary person. I have so many flaws and embarrassing actions, thoughts, and words, that a person would question me. Who do I think Iam to be doing God's work? I have no special talents, skills, or gifts to speak of. But then again, I've heard all my life that God uses the weak, the simple, and the plain to accomplish His work. He does this to show His power and Holiness. So I guess that pretty much qualifies me, wouldn't you say! HaHa! If you're reading this please say a prayer that my husband and I will be the light God wants us to be. That satan and his demons will be squashed, boxed in, confused, and pushed away by the Holy Spirit and the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ!That God may once again victoriously be seen! Oh, I pray that everybody, my family, friends, coworkers, people I'll never meet, generations to come long after I'm gone will See God for who He is, the Truth in everything I say, write, do, portray. Quite a tall order, but that is my deepest Hearts Desire!! OH, I think I've swayed off the subject. I was going to erase this, but I feel God wants me to keep it this time. (If only you knew how many times I've swayed off the subject, erase, and refocus!) I better end this blog before I make this a run-on blog! If any of you readers get any kind of revelation, or if God has used this blog to reveal anything at all to you, I would love to hear about it! I love to hear stories of how God is working!