Sunday, May 20, 2012

God's Word is Written for People Yet to be Created

Psalms 102 is one of my new favorite bible chapters. (Proverbs 31 is my very favorite life chapter.) Yesterday on Klove I heard a challenge and encouraging word about praying for our family and needs. Then today I read Psalms 102. This chapter talks about Gods holiness and eternal existence. I just love vs18 How God's word is written for all-including generations to come, that people yet to be created may praise God's name! People not even created yet! I just think that is the coolest thing. All will perish and grow old yet God will endure vs 26. God is the same and will have no end. Vs27. The children of God's servants will continue and their descendants will be established before God. Vs 28. This just hits home, and helps me to realize how important it is to continue praying for our families. I've prayed for our children's salvation and relationship with our heavenly Father ever since they were in my womb. I've also prayed for their future spouses the sameness as they will one day be my child as well by marriage. And now I find myself praying for their children, children's children, from generations to come for the same purpose. To know God personally! To see God in action, to have a growing living, active relationship with our lord and savior. This chapter encourages me to keep praying this prayer!

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