Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Still Inspired

 So it’s been a month since my last blog. I get discouraged easily. This morning in my quiet time I felt inspired. (Inspired by God Himself.) I know that God wants me to write and share JVR, even though I still have so much to learn about writing, the use of the English language, grammar, spelling, words themselves. But what a better way to learn than by doing? The more I write, the more I want to write, the more I learn what I need to correct. If I never write, I never learn. I sometimes have so much in my mind that I get overwhelmed and don’t even know where to start. Tonight I was able to write quite a bit for my book JVR. I’m very encouraged and excited. As I went to close down, I skimmed over what I already wrote and found this link. It says a link to my blog while I’m writing my book. Well, how can I or you, or anyone else follow my journey of self doubt, brain freezes, or brain explosions if I don’t write the journey? So my commitment to you who read this, to you who read the book JVR is to continue to blog, through feast and famine! Enjoy and together we’ll learn! All comments welcome! I plan to take an online English course or two within the next year. But until then, feel free to correct, comment, teach. J I’ll try not to take it too personally! J

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