Monday, December 26, 2016

Glass Half Empty and Half Full

Another post from the drafts...

We are all made differently. Some of us look at the glass half empty while others look at it half full. Yet in both instances it's exactly the same. While I tend to look at the glass as half full, I also relate to both sides. To be honest looking at the glass half empty is very depressing for me and I rather not be depressed. There are so many things around us in this world that can and do bring us down. If given the option I would rather look at the positive side. The old saying there's always a silver lining goes a long way. Now add being a child of the King to that and you have a glass of GOLD!

Last of 2016

The last week of 2016 is upon us. It's been a great, yet fast paced year. It's been a very stressful and challenging year. It's been a year of major changes in our lives. It's been a year of miracle after miracle. I wouldn't change a thing! God has shown up in so many places and in so many different ways. Not in ways I expected or imagined, but in small things. As I look back over the year, I realize how smoothly it has actually gone. My thoughts, doubts and feelings rage inside of me, ready to explode. The anxiety level, the drama, the fear that threatens to take over my body overwhelms me. Yet, God, in His Greatness, Holiness, Patience, Peace, and Love is in Complete control over it all. He is teaching me to spend time with Him, to listen to Him, to TRUST HIM in all things. I'm learning that God speaks in whispers, in little things, and I have to listen, to be still and listen.

Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God".

1 Kings 11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper


Releasing November's post...
Well, lets see. What does California make me think of?
*Finger printing. I've been finger printed 4 times already this year.
*"U" turns! Yes people make them all over! Including us! Signs encouraging them here!
*Short merge lanes! Better be quick! And better watch the mergers!!
*The flatness and dirt and vast emptiness.
*The FOG-Today November 7,2016 God  showed up once again! He watches over us without us even knowing! This morning I went to work 45 minutes earlier than normal. I'm  at work at 5:45 am! This is a very unusual event for me, the timing was God inspired. As I drove into the parking lot of my place of employment, I could not see my hand in front of me. I took the wrong entrance into the parking lot and, I don't use this word loosely, BLINDLY drove to my parking spot. The fog was just rolling in, and if I would've drove in at my scheduled time, I would've been on the highway. One of my co-workers, who is "use" to the fog here, told me this fog made her nervous!
*People everywhere! I'm talking, when shopping at Walmart, its a drive by shopping experience. You have your list in one hand, know your store, and grab your item as you push your cart by. IF you stop you'll get trampled! I'm totally serious here! While at Costco waiting for a yummy sample with two four years-olds in the cart trying to be patient, I had to wait for the sample cart to be refilled three times! And we were first in line! In order to get a sample I had to literally push in front of the other people and grab the samples!

Don't get me wrong, I do love it here in California. It's beautiful, and the people are actually nice. It's culture shock from a mid-westerner. Just need to learn the ropes!

Life Changes

I'm releasing my October post...
It's October of 2016 and we are still in transition. We are desperately trying to sell our home in IN And living in an apartment in CA. It's been a miraculous journey, though to the human eye you wouldn't know it. Moving is hard, moving to another state is even harder. Yet, people do it all the time. Moving to another state without a job or a home is absolutely crazy. This is actually the second time we've moved out of state, cold turkey! Yet we're ok, we have a home, food on the table, clothes on our back, transportation, each other. But most importantly, God, our Heavenly Father.

The first time we moved from MO to IN with three children under 4, no job, no place to live, yet directed by God we obeyed, took the steps of faith. Then, 29 years later we move from IN to CA, again, no jobs. Again directed by God, out of obedience. The house has been on the market for a year now, God says to wait, it will sell.