Thursday, February 26, 2015

When it rains it pours but God is the only umbrella you need

I posted this little quote God gave me on September 8, 2014 that day was quite a day. I'd be lying if I said I was strong and had courage through it all, I wasn't. Oh I know God doesn't give you more than you can handle. And I know God is in control. And I know all things work out for good for those whose trust in him. Yes I know this and more and I believe all of it. My human heart still weighs heavy. The tears still flow freely. My brain still goes blank. I'm so so happy God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in me! My husband got news that morning that he had to have a heart cath that following Friday. It was suspected that he had a possible blockage. And with still a heart valve leak from a major heart valve repair only 18 months earlier, it was a possibility he could go into an open heart surgery again. Then as the day progressed he found out that is job of 19 years is being dissolved as of the end of the year. Then we ended the day with the passing of his sweet Mother. His mom Went peacefully and is out of pain in Heaven, singing and laughing with the angles and all the loved ones who went before her. My husbands heart cath went smoothly and his heart is good, leak is very small, and no blockage. Now we wait on the job situation. I know all will be okay, even better than okay. We are actually excited waiting to see what God has for us. God is Holy! God is Awesome!  Am I weird? Some might argue that. But, no I am blessed! Thank you Heavenly Father!

The above was written on September 14, 2014. I drafted the above blog until it was okay to post.

Now, five months later... My quote last September 8, 2014 ‘when it rains it pours’ as my dear mother-in-law passed away, my husband found out his open heart surgery the year before of a heart valve repair didn’t fully repair the leak, and word his current job of 19 years was to end within a few months…here are some other quotes that tag along.. “When storms come, just grab an umbrella."  "We cannot change the weather, but we can adjust our attitude about it."  “The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain,” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  "Rain will come and go in a day, but our outlook lasts a lifetime.”  To add to this last quote, our outlook and reaction to ‘life’ last in others life times as well. We are being watched…We say we have a mighty God! A God who is in control of ALL things! We are being watched…Our God is being Watched…What are others seeing? Praise our HOLY Father! HE IS IN CONTROL!

Sunday, February 22, 2015


The Book of Revelation has always inspired and allured my interest. The History Channel on Comcast aired a two part show on Revelation at the end of December of 2014. While these types of shows are very interesting to me, they seem to bring up more questions than they answer. One of my many confusion topics is the 144 thousand. At one time I thought I had it all figured out, but HA! No, not at all. In fact I'm more confused now that before. However, while reading one of my devotion plans from YouVerson named, you got it, Revelation, God spoke to me through chapter 7. Still not completely clear, but so very interesting to me. Verse 3 "hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we shall have sealed the servant of our God on their Foreheads." V4 144 thousand. Out of every tribe of Juda. I understand these are God's chosen but I ask in my mind, what about us non-Jewish Christians? Go down to v 13 and 14. I still have more questions than answers, but this chapter had a healing, comforting, peaceful effect on me. Of course God is in Control! My wondering, curious mind enjoys figuring out mysteries. In fact, as I've said before, that's what led me to read the Bible before I was even a Christian. The Mystery of the book of Revelation and the end times.

Currently I'm using YouVerson app on my phone for my daily devotions. A very handy tool. There are so many plans to choose from. Oh, and yes, I finally did finish reading the Bible all the way through. Not in 90 days, not in a year, but in 3 years. And I'm thinking of doing it again. I like to read it slow and let it speak to me. Reading anything fast just doesn't sink into my brain. Everybody is different and I'm so not saying this is the only or even the best way to read the Bible. In fact I would be more correct to say, I'm the exception not the rule. I do have a hard time comprehending. Sometimes I have to read the same section of the Bible over several days just to really get what it's saying. Or should I say what God is saying to me. But that's Okay! I now know God made me, He knows how I work better than I do. And it's really OKAY! :) Isn’t our Heavenly Father the BEST!!!!