I was browsing the internet for scholarships. I came across this really cool writing contest, Writers of the Future. I read the guidelines very carefully to make sure I qualified. Yes, I qualified. After entering my name and information requested, I polished up one of my short stories, very careful to follow all the rules. One more time making sure all the rules were followed correctly, I attached the story. Then, after submitting the application and writing sample, a subtitle materialized. ‘Science Fiction and Fantasy’ Yes that’s right, all I read was Fiction, not Science Fiction. The short story I submitted was fiction, not science fiction. I guess I won’t win that contest! :/
But, while searching I found several blogs. There sure are tons of reading material out there. Speaking of reading material, I know I’ve seen magazines on writing before. We went to the bookstore to find a good magazine, thought I might find one on writing, specifically creative writing. Found magazines on everything imaginable, but not one on writing. I know there are writing magazines out there, I’ve subscribed to them before. But it made me think, I wonder…What if I came up with a really cool writer’s magazine? Something unique? Something fun? There I go again, thinking of more things to do. I need to finish what I’ve started, and then work on all the other ideas I have in my little brain. But I wonder?